2024-08-23 Web Development

Migrating from Markdown to MDX: A Step by Step Guide

By O Wolfson

Markdown has long been a popular choice for writing content on the web due to its simplicity and readability. However, as web technologies evolve, the need for more dynamic and interactive content grows. This is where MDX, an extension of Markdown, comes into play. MDX allows you to use JSX (JavaScript XML) within your Markdown files, enabling you to embed components and use React functionality directly. This guide will walk you through the process of migrating your existing Markdown blog to MDX, showcasing the benefits and steps involved.

Benefits of Migrating to MDX

  1. Enhanced Functionality: MDX lets you integrate interactive components like polls, charts, and even live code editors within your Markdown.
  2. Seamless Integration with React: For projects using React, MDX allows you to import and use your React components directly in your content.
  3. Dynamic Content Creation: You can include dynamic content and logic within your MDX files, making them more interactive and engaging.
  4. Improved Development Experience: Developers familiar with React will find MDX more intuitive and flexible compared to plain Markdown.


Before starting the migration, ensure you have the following:

  • A basic understanding of Markdown and React.
  • An existing blog or website that uses Markdown files.
  • Node.js and npm/yarn installed on your development machine.

Step-by-Step Migration Guide

Step 1: Setup Your Environment

  1. Install MDX Dependencies: In your project directory, run the following commands:

    npm install @mdx-js/mdx @mdx-js/react
  2. Configure Your Build Tools: If you're using a static site generator like Gatsby or Next.js, configure it to support MDX. This usually involves installing additional plugins or loaders.

Step 2: Convert Your Markdown Files to MDX

  1. Rename Files: Change the file extension of your Markdown files from .md to .mdx.
  2. Update Frontmatter: If your Markdown files use frontmatter, ensure it’s compatible with MDX. Most of the time, no changes are needed.

Step 3: Embedding JSX and React Components

  1. JSX Integration: You can now embed JSX directly in your MDX files. For example:

    <MyCustomComponent />
  2. Importing Components: At the top of your MDX files, import any React components you want to use:

    import MyCustomComponent from '../components/MyCustomComponent

Step 4: Handling Dynamic Content

  1. Embedding Dynamic Logic: You can include JavaScript expressions and logic within curly braces {}.
  2. Using React Hooks: Utilize React hooks in your MDX for dynamic and interactive content.

Step 5: Testing and Debugging

  1. Local Testing: Run your site locally to test the integrated MDX files.
  2. Debugging: Address any issues related to JSX syntax or component integration.

Step 6: Deploying Your Updated Site

  1. Build Your Project: Once everything is working locally, build your project.
  2. Deploy: Deploy your site to your hosting provider.


Migrating from Markdown to MDX opens up a world of possibilities for creating more dynamic and interactive content. While the process requires some initial setup and learning, the benefits of using MDX, especially for React-based projects, are substantial. Embrace the power of MDX and take your content to the next level!